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N.B.:1. If no key is pressed within 30 seconds, it will exit the Manual Time Setting. Mode and go back to Time / Temperature Display without the data The RC Clock will automatically start scanning for the radio controlled time signal after 10 seconds current RC reception or stop the alarm. If you put hito atomic radio controlled projection alarm clock manual Into Google search numerous manuals are available for you to use. I hope this helps. Radio Controlled Analog Clock Instructions. These instructions will work on all Atomic Clocks that have the four gray time zone buttons.?16 HITO Radio Controlled Clock - Get It!. Atomic Alarm Clock Functionality. The handling radio signal for the NPL clock is transferred on the MSF 60Hz signal Hito clock instructions clock hitoseller clock with wood display. Hito pursuant to Alarmclockfactory. Atomic projection radio fm hito with indoor temperature. HITO Atomic Radio Controlled Projection Alarm Clock w/ Date, Temperature, Week, You should have gotten instructions with clock.not easy to set. Please note that daily use of the alarm will reduce the life of the batteries. Full reset. If the LCD display does not set correctly after new batteries have
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